A recent project I found to be both difficult and rewarding involved designing an architecture for a vehicle rental application needing to add a NoSQL data store that would integrate with Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda serverless API to interact with a database using AWS services. This was my first time building a RESP API using Gateway and AWS Lambda. I recall answering certification questions on the topic but I found it quite daunting to set up DynamoDB table and populate it with data. First I had had to setup an Amazon DynamoDB table and populate it with sample data. My next step was to create an API Gateway REST API and the define its API methods. Again, all valuable hands-on work in my humble opinion.  My JSON coding skills needed work while I was creating the AWS Lambda functions to handle API requests and interact with the newly created DynamoDB table. It took me several attempts to successfully get the API to handle the HTTP requests from its clients and perform CRUD operations on the data stored in an Amazon DynamoDB database. Lastly, I had to test the API using the API Gateway console and REST client. Completion of this lab gave me practical experience  in designing and implementing a serverless API with a database backed. I’m sure that it will not be last time I will improve a business’s operation with technology.